Beer Details
Beer Style: Munich Helles Lager
Brewery: Maui Brewing Company

Hawaiian Beer, Hawaiian Dish
I love spam. It was a late in life love. I never thought I would enjoy meat in a can. Nonetheless, this postwar dish has become a staple in the Hawaiian islands. Eggs, spam, and rice is still one of my favorite breakfast dishes.
Today we are making Spam Musubi, an island favorite, but with a twist. Not only will we utilize Maui Brewing Company’s Bikini Blonde Lager, a filtered Munich Helles Lager, but also throw some dashi into the mix. If you have an Asian market in your area, you will be sure to find some dashi.
This is one of my favorite dishes to make on a lazy Sunday, sans beer. The Bikini Blonde Lager is the aromatic sugar on top. If you understood that metaphor, you will surely love this dish. Remember to slice your spam very thin or it will overpower the rice. Spam is ridiculously salty. Throw in the soy sauce and you will regret wasting your beer.
And remember to let me know if you make this dish. Tell me what you think.
Bikini Blonde Spam Musubi details
12 servings
20 minutes
20 minutes
Bikini Blonde Spam Musubi ingredients
- 2 tablespoons of dashi soup stock
- 1 can of Maui Brewing Company Bikini Blonde Lager
- 1 cup of short grain or sushi rice
- 1 can of Spam
- ½ cup of low sodium soy sauce
- 3 finger pinch of sugar
- 1 Package of your favorite nori (seaweed)
Bikini Blonde Spam Musubi directions
- In a small sauce pan, pour beer, leaving a splash for later, and heat until 100° Fahrenheit. Mix in dashi soup stock until completely dissolved. Cook down stock until you have about 1 cup (almost half the volume you started with)
- Rinse rice, but do not rinse off too much. You want to keep some of the starch in the rice. Place in a rice cooker, add your stock, and cook rice until complete
- While rice is cooking add soy sauce and the splash of beer in another sauce pan until about 100° Fahrenheit. Add sugar, continuously stirring until completely dissolved. Let sauce cool and place into a bowl
- Open up your can of spam and cut ¼ to ½ an inch slice (slices too big will overpower the rice). Grease up a frying pan and place over medium heat. Take one slice of spam, dip it into the bowl of sauce, covering completely, and place onto the frying pan. Cook until brown on both sides. Repeat for all pieces of spam
- I use a sushi rolling mat, but you can also you can also use a spam musubi rice press if you are a perfectionist Place down a piece of nori. Scoop a hefty chunk of rice onto the seaweed and spread evenly. Then place two pieces of spam. Now for the hard part: take a splash of water and spread over the edge of the seaweed to help create a seal. Take the sushi mat and roll over the spam musubi and press down with a decent amount of force. Take the moist end and seal the musubi (I have yet to perfect this). Take a knife and cut in half. Repeat until you have a delicious plate of Hawaii’s finest
Brewery Info